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100번째 삼일절과 마 베베 남주니

by LANA. 2019. 3. 1.

#100th #anniversary #SamilJeol #IndependenceMovementDay #Korea


It is 1st in March, Korean call today as "Sam-il Jeol", which means Independence Movement Day. "Sam-il Jeol" is a national holiday commemorating independance of Korea and peaceful protests againsts Japan on March 1st, 1919, 100 years ago. Japan illegally occupied our country from 1910 to 1945. 'Man-se' movement which has been on March 1st, 1919, is a peaceful protest waving Korean flag and saying "Independence of Korea". Japan has surpassed Korean citizens with guns and word. Many independent activists were hurt, they were imprisoned, tortured and killed. However, Japan could not break their spirit of Independence. As a result of the 'Man-se' movement on March 1st,1919, the interim government of the Republic of Korea was finally established in Shanghai, China. A numer of independent activists were organized under the interim government, able to get ready independence systematecally against Japan.

And 'Mr Kim(Kim- Goo)' was the head of 'the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea', whose speech was quoted by #RM in BTS' recent award testimony.


"One and only I want is a high culture power.", said Mr.Kim.

It means culture has spirit of people and expresses it independently without any interruption.


Back again to recent award in 26th Feb, It seemed RM would have like to say that "ARMY could be a spirit of BTS music and a leading charactor in their lyrics like fan letter. In addition BTS music could break the boundaries like its name - beyond the scene". 


I'm so proud of RM who said that word in front of  "Sam-il Jeol", Independence Movement Day. And also thanksful for all of korean independent activists including Mr. Kim. So, If it had not been for Independence Movement in 1919, and there's not been for "Sam-il Jeol", I probably could not listen to @bts_twt music in Korean lyrics now and not understand their music, meaning peace.


남준이 김구 선생님 발언은 6:30 초 부터 


Under Japanese imperialism, Korea had been destroyed culturally and economically for 36 years. Many Koreans have been murdered with no reason and they've even been prohibited to speak Korean, under controlled by Japan. In addition, Japan abused lots of Korean girls as sex slaves, and exploited people as munition workers for Japan's World War, with no pay.

* 문장 참고 : https://m.blog.naver.com/tomasuper/220946781234 

