처음부터 끝까지, 기분좋은 개막식
그제는 평창 개막식 보면서 감동 감동...시상에 역사적으로 돈도 빽도 힘도 없어서 여기저기 치이면서 살아온 한국 살려온건 결국 촛불 하나하나 들고 있는 사람들 같아서~ 여기저기 이런저런 퍼포먼스에서 민초(!)들이 연상되고. 하늘에 띄운 역대급 드론도 멋졌지만 그 아래 스노보더들이 떼를 지어서 오골오골하게 보드타고 내려 오는데 귀엽기도 하고, 빛같은 걸 감고 떼로 몰려 오는데 진짜 너무너무너무 멋있었다. 독수리 모양 체우는 빛 점들도 넘 멋졌음. 괴기스럽댔다가 고구려 벽화 배경 소문 퍼지고 난리난 인면조를 나는 못봤고. 후에 인면조 짤, 그림, 패러디 한거 등등 트위터에서 찾아봤는데 넘 웃겼다 ㅋㅋ 공연 하는 분들도 참 멋졌다. 마지막 성화봉송 주자 연느님 나와서 끝까지 아름다왔음. 문정부랑 준비하는 분들 넘나리 고생했다 싶음. 이번 달은 올림픽빨로, 다운 될때 개막식 영상 가끔 돌려 봐야지.
넘어지면 일어나서 따라 잡아서 이겨버리던!
어제는 쇼트트랙 여자 3000m 계주 보면서 폭풍 감동을 하고. 넘어졌는데 기가 막힌 팀 플레이로 따라잡고 추월해서 1등 먹은 한국팀! 올림픽기록까지 세웠다지 엉엉. 남자 1500m 금 임효준. 작년에 본 국대선발전에서 넘나리 멋있었는데, 몇번의 심각한 부상을 이겨내고 결국 금메달 딴 스토리가 실제로 이루어 지다니, 이 또한 보기만 해도 좋은 기운이었다. 본인도 "저 사고 한번 칠거 같아요"라고 말했다는데, 부상 이겨내고 연습으로 자신감이 쌓였으니까 그랬겠지? 멋있다.. 그리고 황대헌 넘어져서 우는 모습 보고 맴이 아팠지만, 세계랭킹 1위고 아직 어리고 경기 많이 남았는데 툭툭 털고 남은 경기 잘 하면 된다 싶음. 프랑스 선수 얼굴 다친거 보고 안됐다 싶고. 참 올림픽은 운인거같어. 다들 열심히 해서 올라왔는데 갑자기 넘어지기도, 넘어져도 다시 일어나기도 하고. 스포츠나 인생사나 비슷하다 싶고.
NBC 정줄놓은 앵커의 식민지배 찬양
평창 기운을 이렇게 안고, 오늘 8만8천원짜리 hsk 자체 모의고사 보러 가려고 준비를 하고 있었다. 그러다 인스타에서 황당한 뉴스를 보고 분개, 항의 서명까지 하고 번역기 돌려서 댓글 달고 손가락이 몹시 바빴다. (덕분에 고사장에 택시 타고 갔다. 택시에서 멀미하고 막 ㅎㅎ 입장되서 다행이었지만 '까만건 글씨요 하얀건 종이로다' 를 느꼈다. 문제 하나 외워오고, 내일부터 3월 시험을 위해 열공하기로. )
The following comments were made by Joshua Cooper Ramo, "Every Korean will tell you that Japan is their cultural & economical example of their transformation".
이런 썩을놈이..
NBC 앵커의 평창 개막식 망언 기사 이후, 교포부터 시작해서 한국인들이 항의 하니까 NBC가 사과같지 않은 사과를 했는데... 발언에 대한 구체적인 정정 보도 없이 "기분 상하게 해서 미안하다" 라고.. 그리고 서한 보내고 이게 다임. 참내 미국 대표 평창 중계 방송사놈들이라는게 수준이 그따구니. 너희들도 참 답이 없어. 인스타 NBC 올림픽계정(@nbcolympics)은 한국ip 접속 차단해 놨다. 눌러보니까 진짜여서 실소가 나옴. 오호라 - 그거 보고 친히 @nbc, @nbcnews 가서 댓글로 한 소리하고 왔다. 참 살아가기 힘든 우리나라지만, 내가 일본 식민지배까지 고마워할 수는 없구나 양키놈들 같으니라고.
▲셋 중에 왼쪽 놈.
▲NBC 올림픽 계정 한국 ip 차단. 와우...ㅋㅋㅋ그럼 NBC 공식 계정, NBC 뉴스 계정으로 가면 되지 ㅎㅎ
▲NBC 인스타 중 평창 포스트
▲NBC NEWS 인스타 중 평창 포스트
▲ 서명도 하고. 나 오늘 시험이었는데 NBC 때메 넘나리 바빴다
▲조슈아 쿠퍼 라모. 자칭 타칭 중국전문가라면서. 한국은 우스운가 보네.
스타벅스, 페덱스 사외 이사라는 소문이 있던데 스벅VIP 이제 내려놔야 하나? 투썸, 커피빈으로 갈아타?
기사 모음
“모든 한국인 일본의 식민지배에 감사” NBC 평창 중계 망언
NBC '망언' 후폭풍…해설자 신상털기·불매운동도
“한국이 일본 지배 고마워한다” 망언한 NBC, 사과 대신 한국 접속 차단
"韓 모욕감 느낀 것 이해" 美 NBC 사과…정정보도 안 해
여기가 사과 요청 서명하는 사이트
NBC 사과 요청.
(엎드려 절받기 사과 때려치고, 정정 보도와 해당 앵커의 직접 사과 요구가 주를 이룸)
▲낮에 할때는 이 정도 였는데, 지금은 만천명 넘음. 한국인이여 일어나라. ㅋ
IOC 청원도 있다.
(올림픽에서 정치로 이슈화 했거등. 조슈아. 전쟁 암시하는 발언도 하셨네. 보아하니 미국이나 일본이나 우리나라 전쟁 나라고 고사 지내는 듯? )
분노한 코리안의 인상적인 댓글들.
ps. 나도 번역기 돌려서 출동해 봤다.
This is like an assault victim being told, "Hey, your life really got better after meeting that guy who tortured, enslaved, and raped you and your entire extended family, You should really go thank him!" Imperialism and colonialism should never be romanticized. Should Native Americans be thankful for Columbus and Cortes? Should South Africa be thankful to the West for apartheid? Should black people in the U.S. be thankful to white people and give them credit for helping them become "more advanced" ? Colonialism is degradation, exploitation, and murder, both literal and spiritual, of another human people. If even an iota of a benefit came to the oppressed people from colonialism, it was a side effect of greed, something that was only allowed to exist because it benefited the oppressors even more. Callous and ignorant misinterpretation, like this one spewed by NBC, poisons the public consciousness and must be clearly recognized and labeled as the evil it is and emphatically denounced.
Truth shouldn't be distorted. Do you think that Jewish people thank to Nazi? Japan is like the Nazi to Korea. And Japan has not apologized and just tried to twist, hide history all dirty things they had done to Korea. I think that the reporter must be crazy. He said "Korean will tell you that Japan is a cultural and technological and economic example that has been so important to their own transformation." But Korean way is very different from Japanese. Korean values is very different from japanese. Korean had never thought Japan as a mode to pursue . The reporter mention is just insult to every Korean. It's not about emotional problem. He does know nothing. He's very ignorant. He's not a professional at all. I also need his apology, his personal not only nbc.
Because Japan killed millions of innocent Koreans and took the girls to the battlefield and use them as comfort women... On that note, NBC must apologize for their ignorance.
This is like an assault victim being told, "Hey, your life really got better after meeting that guy who tortured, enslaved, and raped you and your entire extended family, You should really go thank him!" Imperialism and colonialism should never be romanticized. Should Native Americans be thankful for Columbus and Cortes? Should South Africa be thankful to the West for apartheid? Should black people in the U.S. be thankful to white people and give them credit for helping them become "more advanced" ? Colonialism is degradation, exploitation, and murder, both literal and spiritual, of another human people. If even an iota of a benefit came to the oppressed people from colonialism, it was a side effect of greed, something that was only allowed to exist because it benefited the oppressors even more. Callous and ignorant misinterpretation, like this one spewed by NBC, poisons the public consciousness and must be clearly recognized and labeled as the evil it is and emphatically denounced.
as a korean-american, I am able to see through the perspective from being korean as well as seeing through the eyes of america. I understand that it may seem that asian countries are tied closely together and that it seems that all the history has been settled and forgotten, however the tension between korea and japan is still very real. the reason being is that japan has not apologized nor recognized their wrong doings. within this case, the comments made by the reporter obviously never asked any korean as most koreans still have a distaste towards the remarks made by korea. ex dokdo island and east sea. to say that korea looks at japan as a role model, which conquered and mistreated its people is an ignorant and uneducated comment, which can not be made as a mistake on live television. be real news and report real facts.
During the nbc Olympics coverage, reporter Joshua Cooper Ramo stated how every South Korean respects Japan for their recent achievements as a nation. This is highly insulting as it completely forgets the fact that Japan has brutally attempted to kill the Korean culture and rape thousands of Korean and Chinese women during the Japanese forced occupation. This is a serious issue as nbc is such a big corporation and influences several thousand people all over the nation. Such a fact must be corrected and apologized for.
The recent comment of apology made me even more outraged. Considering the impact of the Friday night, typing the word with one of your morning news anchor's mouth, is not enough. It's not done in an appropriate manner for the comment which covered one of the most inhumane, collective human crimes including their forcing the young girls to become the comfort women for their soldiers during the World War II. Your comment was, at the same time, insulting the victims of the war time brothel, which had been created and managed by the Japanese Imperialistic Army during the WWII, and also issuing indulgence for the war criminals in public media. I am very disappointed at the irresponsible attitude and the editorial decision of NBC and hereby ask for the sincere apology in the prime-time news, on the main page of your website, and on every social media account NBC owns.
Your reporter has obviously strange and awful historical opinion to Korean. A lot of Koreans including me are getting frustrated and it was absurd of your reporter to say such an ignorant commtent!! He should, must apologize through TV show by himself, by his own speech. We, Korean never ever has been thanksful for Japanese' cruel imperialism. I don't know why he has such misperceptions with Korean history! During obedience of Japan from 1910 to 1945, Korea had been destroyed culturally and economically.
Korea has been promoting modernization since the 19th century, producing electricity and moving electric vehicles. However, as Japan has dominated Korea, they made Korea a thoroughly agricultural nation. It was to make Korea a logistical base for Japan.
Japan had been depriving Korea of all its food, technicians, and resources.
There are foreigners who mistakenly think (like Joshua Cooper Ramo) that 'Korea developed during the Japanese colonial period', and 'Japan was afraid that the Korean industry would develop more than Japan.' Because Japan was only focusing on militarism, it lacked agricultural infrastructure. Japan has planned to grow Korea into an agricultural country in order to take away crops such as rice from Korea. In the early days when Japan ruled Korea, it allowed only the railway and harbor to be renovated in order to take away a lot of resources such as ore, wood, gold, and rice from Korea. In the latter half of Korea's domination of Japan, Japan intentionally prevented it from raising almost all industries in Korea, including light, heavy industries such as machinery, chemical, military, aviation, and pharmaceutical industries. Though it might mistakenly seems to be for Korea to have developed thanks to Japan, but actually, the 35 years of Japan's colonial period is a time when Korea has failed to develop. Korea was only used as a base for the Japanese war in the world, and in the process, there were historically horrible events on human rights such as sexual slavery, labor exploitation, and
NBC's reporter is totally NOT an expert, BUT absolutely an amateur with a biased. Take him to school and educate on east asia history and reality of imperialism.
이어서 TheTimes 찌끄레기의 망언
끝났나 싶었는데 이번엔 영국이다. 더 타임즈..웬 찌끄레기가 펑창 와있는 일본 기자 기사를 실으면서 헛소리. 사진은 개막식에 한반도기들고 공동 입장하는걸 썼는데, 제주도 동그라미 치고 독도라고 하고, 이 독도가 일본이랑 분쟁 지역이라고. ㅋㅋ 대한민국 참 여기저기서 까인다 싶음. 내 자식이 살아갈 때쯤에는 저런애들 좀 많이 없어졌으면 좋겠다...
분노한 코리안 네티즌 출동
더타임즈 얘네는 찌끄레기라서 별로 이슈도 안 되었던데, 알고 보면 더 심하다. 무지하기가 이를데가 없기 때문. 무지한데 주장을 하고 있어..제주도를 독도라고 동그래미를 쳐놓고, 독도를 일본이랑 분쟁중이라 문제라고 코멘트함. 사진은 수정했다는데, 코멘트 캡션은 그대로 두었다고 함.
Japanese CANNOT visit Dokdo without passport because it belongs to Korean territory no matter how many times they call the island by stupid delusive name other than Dokdo. And the red circle you put in the photo is actually pointing Jeju Island not Dokdo HAHA!!!! I think you should at least locate it in the map correctly before you write something "controversial". And of course the fact that Dokdo belongs to Korea is ascertained historical truth. #fakenews
Dokdo is historically and legally territory of Korea, not a disputed territory between Japan and Korea. The evidence that Dokdo is a Korean land is scattered everywhere, and it is fact that Japan has also acknowledged historically. The dispute issue is Japan's one-sided claim, and for many years Koreans has been upset because of Japan 's nonsensable and ridiculous arguments, and the wrong information was known to the world. Koreans are well aware that Japan's intention is to make the world believe in the wrong issue.If your Japanese reporter was a "journalist", he should have checked the facts before writing articles.
#thetimes should take him not to write #fakenews , please... As a result, you, the times wrote the wrong information about the host country, Korea, in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Would you please issue a correction on your paper??? Dokdo, which you marked with a red circle in the photo, is actually Jeju Island. #haha You do NOT know the territory of KOREA, but you want to change it to a land of a different country. #shameonyou
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