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★ 공부/영어

toeic paragraphs which can be used in interview

by LANA. 2018. 11. 23.

Everyone knows that social media is an excellent means to promote a company's brand and products. The speed of social media, as well as its relative inexpensiveness, make it an attractive option for small companies that can't rely on television or magazine advertising to reach new customers. And most sites can be managed without the help of a technology expert.
But even social media offers many opportunities, you should not try to promote your business on as many outlets as possible. Managing information on several networks can quickly become a full-time job and can make it harder, not easier, to control your message. Therefore, it is important that you learn the benefits and limitations of each social media platform, and then decide which one or two are best suited to your target customers.
Different platforms focus on differnt kinds of content, like photos, videos, short messages, or blogs. Some platforms need to be updated frequently, with customers expecting you to post new material everyday. Others requires less maintenance. Certain platforms are better for reaching larger, more general audiences, while some allow you to focus on a specific group of customers. So before you set up accounts on every available platform, think about your business needs and your customer base.


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